Please continue nominating me!
Dear friends and readers, it is me, zero-time winner of a Golden Pigtail award Eli Casablanca. I have fewer readers, followers, and stories than almost every other (insanely talented) writer eligible for your vote this year and YET… you all have managed propelling me to the nomination semi-finals for the 2024 Pigtails in TWO CATEGORIES!
The “It’s Always Better Together” Award for Best Erotic Anthology, for my second erotic short story anthology Short Stories In Which People F*ck volume 2.
The “I’ll Be in My Bunk” Award For Medium Long Erotica, for my Medium-published, free-to-read via THIS LINK story, Under The Shade Of The Sakura Tree.
Now I need you to vote for me a second time so we can turn these nominations into WINS!!! You can vote HERE, it’s super easy! Also, you can vote as many times as you want, so my personal recommendation is twenty to thirty times per day. I mean, you do you, but it seems like a reasonable ask...
The one I really crave, honestly, is the anthology award. I’m so goddamn proud of Short Stories In Which People F*ck volume 2, I worked so hard and so long on that thing, that for it to be a genuine award-winning book would be pretty cool. I know that the odds are slim shady, but it’s nice to think about. With that out of the way, if you don’t vote for Under The Shade Of The Sakura Tree I’m never talking to you again.
All musings aside, you can treat this nominee list as a reading list, every name on there is worth checking out, these are all beautiful, filthy, talented artists who deserve all the accolades in the world, so click HERE, and give them (and me) some!
Thanks for voting, you lovely bunch, and as always, for the bewitching Alexa Sommers for putting this all together in the first place.